Lifts Business Wellness

Stay Ready to be Ready

We want to help you take care of your employee’s mind (concentration and creativity), body (health and wellness), and spirit (attitude and teamwork). Investing in your employees whole person help them to reach their full potential - increasing productivity and employee retention. This is also a great way to bring teams together who may be working from home

We provide a 15-30-minute (your preference) LIFTS Zoom Workout. Employees can stand beside their desks or even remain in their chairs depending on what is appropriate to their work setting.

Help your employees to “Stay-Ready” mentally, physically and psychologically by including fitness training in their daily or weekly routine.

Tailored To Your Business.

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Large Business

Over 10 employees

15-30 Minute Session (your preference)

$100 per session

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Small Business

Under 10 employees

15-30 Minute Session (your preference)

$50 per session